Hire Turntables in Birmingham

DJ Studio Hire Birmingham - CDJs & Turntables
Did you know you can hire our studio in Birmingham, it's especially good if you want to practice your DJ sets, record or stream! Uniquely we have turntables and the industry standard CDJs so there is everything under one roof. If you need some help there will be a DJ tutor available too!
What's Available
2x Pioneer CDJ2000Nexus2
1x DJM900Nexus2 Mixer
2x Technic 1210s with needles
1x Pioneer RMX FX Unit
1x Pioneer SDJ1000 Sampler
Steady & Strong Internet Connection
Practice sessions are £20 per-hour, with a minimum booking of two-hours. We are also available for day-hire or hire for small events. Contact us for more information or to book a two-hour slot just click here.
Our studio is available to hire seven days a week at 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm and 8pm time slots. You're welcome to book multiple slots in a row.
How to Stream & Record
To stream or record your DJ set iPhone users can download the DJM-Rec App and simply plug their iPhone charge cable into the top of the mixer and connect to any social media platform! If you are an android user please ask us in advance if you want to record and we'll organise it for you.
How to Book!
You can book your slot online, and easily reschedule it when needed! Click here to follow the link to book a slot in our Birmingham studio.
How to Contact Us
Click here if you would like to contact us.